Thursday, February 18, 2010


Well looks like this one missed us. Light mist last night, just enough to freeze on the windshield as I was driving home from work. The 2" to 4" just went north and by now that is just fine with me. The best part of winters like this are the fish tails that will develop over time. Man loves there exploits, there will be hero's abound and those saved after long periods trapped where they should never have gone. But mostly after all said and done, this was little more then nature's celebration of my birthday. I am a humble man and would never highlight such an event making others envious of the Gods greater plan. Today as will the next five or six days will be bright and sunny with temperature reaching to the low forties. By March much of this will be gone. As for now, it's to work, just another day, I will walk among my co-workers and the customers that have come looking for that special deal, with a little grin on my face knowing that everything they have been put though was just a little gift to me.

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